Welcome to my Website about netball!

Time mangement

This is my website about netball for myself , team mates and also family .

In my website I hope to have a calendar that will provide me with me timetable towards the day . Netball is one of my favourite sports , it helps me make new friends , keep my fitness up and also helps to keep me busy. Netball is a well-known sport around the world.Sometimes people from all around the world come to one place to compete and channgle them selves. Girls all come around to rep there country and also have a good time.I have played netball Tamaki College and hoped repsent my school with great pride. Netball is a seven player sport with subs.

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Netball has come a long way in New Zealand since its appearance as basketball in the late 19th century and early organisation by the Reverend J.C. Jamieson, who established the first teams from his Auckland Bible classes in 1906-07.Netball was played with a basket on a high pole.

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